Essay Topics
1. “The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead”-Aristotle. Discuss the validity of this statement.
2. Explore the relationship between a developed higher education sector and long-term economic growth?
3. What is the role/function of innovation versus tradition in Nigeria’s development?
Eligibility Requirements
All students enrolled in their penultimate year at any NHEF Partner University are qualified to participate in the essay contest.
* University of Port Harcourt is a NHEF Partner .
Submission Essay Criteria & Procedure
All essays must comply with the following contest rules before submission:
• No literary form other than an essay will be accepted.
• Each piece of writing must reflect the contestant’s ability to explore and discuss ideas and ethical concepts.
• Essay must demonstrate the conduct of research and a sufficiently detailed summary.
• Essays must be 2000 words in length, double-spaced, (12pt Times New Roman), and numbered pages with one-inch margins excluding bibliography & title page.
• Each essay must include a Title Page, a Bibliography and a scanned copy of the contestant’s current student ID. The student’s registration ID# must appear at the header section of each page
• Entries must be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
• References in the essay should be included and clearly identified.
• All entries must be submitted via e-mail to by 11:59 p.m. (WAT) on March 31st, 2016.
Contest Prizes
The Grand prize winner of the 2016 Essay Competition will be awarded a cash prize of N100,000 with a year of paid tuition. First runner-up will be awarded a cash prize of N75,000 with a year of paid tuition. Second runner-up will be awarded N50,000 with a year of paid tuition.
Note: Enrollment will be verified with the University’s registrar.
*Students enrolled in their penultimate year are third year undergraduates of a 4-year degree program or Fourth year undergraduates of a 5-year degree program. NHEF will verify enrollment of each contestant with the university registrar.
I won second place in the video contest with the youtube video “5 tips to deal with culture shock” and I really recommend people to participate in this scholarship! it was fun to come up with an idea close to my own experience as an international student that at the same time could help other people in the same situation! It’s also interesting to see the other participants’ work, they were all really good!
Formation of Nigeria
The adult literacy rate in Nigeria is 59.6%. The literacy rate among men is 69.2%. The literacy of women is 49.7%. Therefore, the literacy of men and women differ by 19.5%. Government spending on education is 0.8% of GDP. Nigeria’s education index is 0.425 – the formal level of education is low and, at best, limited to primary and secondary school levels; Higher education is possible but not very widespread. The people of Nigeria speak the English language.
English language
In Nigeria, about 0% of the population or 82,941,000 people speak English. 82,941,000 of the Nigerian population use English as either a foreign or a second language.