Facebook is working on a feature that fans of the social networking site have been requesting for years: a “dislike” button. Mark Zuckerberg made the admission during a recent “town hall” meeting at its Menlo Park headquarters accord to multiple reports.
The social networking giant has up to this point been reluctant to add a “dislike” button and for good reason. “People can be Irrational”…sometimes. Services like Facebook are one of the few places to turn for kind, encouraging commentary. Sure, Facebook is full of people that dislike their “friends” and get annoyed at times by what they say but generally, it’s a much more positive atmosphere due largely to its intimate nature. The traditional “like” button simply isn’t suitable for every status update. If your best friend’s mother dies, for example, do you “like” that update? Of course not, as that would imply you’re happy she’s gone. Scenarios such as this are where a “dislike” button would be desirable. Zuckerberg said his team is close to unveiling the new feature and that it’s been surprisingly complicated to make an interaction that will be simple. Another issue with the dislike button is as it sounds ” a dislike button” to show your dislike towards things. Say someone posts something “irrational” or something you do not like it would be normal to dislike it. For one this can show your true feelings towards posts.
It’ll be interesting to see just how Facebook plans to walk that fine line between empathy and hate. We are sure to know that this would spur much controversy in Nigeria. As a misuse can already be imagined. Imagine you post your picture and get 10 dislike?? Or you make a post about your “new found boo” only to get numerous dislikes. This new feature would bring along it a sweet and sour feeling of fun and controversy with it, and That we cannot wait to see.
This would be awesome cause I have many post that I wish to dislike…
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